Mobile Application
Yup, there’s an APP for that…
Your business is on the move, and the Driver Schedule program is the only full-featured solution that will handle everything between your office staff and your drivers. Whether you are scheduling Appointments, Deliveries, Reservations, Routes or Trips – all your drivers will have all the information they need right in the palm of their hand.
Our Driver Schedule Mobile Application features:
- Real-Time Appointment Updates for your Drivers
- Detailed, Multiple Stop Capabilities
- Turn-by-Turn Guided Directions (Apple & Google)
- Customized Checklists for Drivers
- Driver Uploaded Notes, Photos and Customer Signatures
- Live GPS for Punch Locations, Current Position, and Route(s) taken
- Ability to View and Change Availability Schedule
- Timekeeping, Time Card and Time-Off Requests
- Report Vehicle Maintenance Issues
- Send Internal Messages to the Office Staff
- View Reference Documents and Materials Uploaded by the Office

Whether you are scheduling appointments, trips, reservations or deliveries, our sophisticated mobile app is the perfect companion to streamline your business and give you the edge over your competition. This free mobile app is included with all our plans. Driver employees can access their appointments or deliveries, set up their availability, select shifts, punch in and out, request time off, report vehicle issues and even send messages to your office staff.
Driver Schedule is the only software made by transportation and logistics people for the transportation, delivery and logistics industries.
Let us show you how our scheduling software can streamline your operations and save you money.
Signup for a 14-Day Free Trial *No credit card required.Explore the other features Driver Schedule has to offer:
Staff Scheduling
Driver Availability
Time-Off Tracking
Time Clock & Payroll Tracking
Customized Employee Training
Asset Maintenance & Reporting
Appointment Scheduling
Shift Scheduling
GPS Tracking
Mobile Application
Inventory & Delivery Management
Auto-Assign Scheduling
Trip Import Tool
API Integration
SMS Text Messaging